The Milk Is On!



It’s that time of year again when baby goats are bouncing everywhere, the milk is flowing, and spring is in the air. That means lots of raw milk and 5 varieties of chèvre. We also many wheels of aged cheeses made at the peak of last spring when the milk flow was heavy, particularly our Equinox, a natural-rind Gouda-style aged at least 3 months, made with our milk combined with the beautiful cow’s milk from our good friends at The Milkhouse, as well as an all-cow’s milk Tomme we call Taurus. We also have lots of Far-Out Feta, also made with a combination of goat’s and cow’s milk.  This luscious feta is available as blocks in brine, or cubed in olive oil with garlic, rosemary, and peppercorns. They are all certified-organic, raw, and aged at least 60 days.

We are now distributing through Misty Brook Farm, so anywhere they deliver their products, we can too. Just ask! We also can add you to our weekly availability list.

You can also find our cheeses at The Milkhouse farmstand in Monmouth, Tender Soles Farm in Richmond, and at the Wayne Farmers Market on Saturdays 9-12, Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.

All of our cheeses are Certified-Organic by MOFGA, which means all hay and grain the goats eat are raised without chemicals and with careful attention to soil health; the goats are never ever given antibiotics or synthetic medications of any kind; and that they have fresh air, clean water, year-round access to the outdoors, and lots of pasture during the warmer months.  We are one of the very very few organic goat dairies in Maine—it takes more planning, working with nature, and sometimes doing things the hard way in the name of health.  But we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We will be at the Wayne Farmers Market Memorial Day through Labor Day, 9am-12pm every Saturday, rain or shine. We also are figuring out our distribution for the year as our previous distributor has closed their operation. Check back in—we’ll post updates about product availability. 
